Tuesday, February 16, 2010

No story...just showing off my little man. I love this guy so much and oddly enough, my husband is OK that I am in love with 2 "boys."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Why do you care so much?

Yesterday some of the kids on our street were riding bikes all around the neighborhood. One girl was invited by a girl to sleep over and neither families had met. Some were riding in the street and going back and forth from one side of the street to the other.

Grace asks me : Can I ride in the street too Mommy?
me to her: NO mam.....
grace to me: Well, can I go bike riding with the others to the park?
me to her: no, mam....you can ride your bike on our section of street but not to the park.
Grace to me:MOMMA! Well, can i sleep over that girls house with Mykayla?
Me to her: Uh, no....you were not invited and we do not know those people. You know the rules.

Grace had a certified fit....or meltdown. I was officially nominated for worst mommy ever I do believe. I sent my princess inside to finish her fit indoors. When I went in to check on her I heard from her room

"Why God Why? Why does she have to care about me sooooo much? I want a mommy that does not care at all? It is NOT fair!...."

:) She even asked me....Mommy-you should not care so much! Why do you care too much about me? I promise I won't go off and die or anything!

poor girl...got a mommy that cares TOO much. ;)

Monday, February 8, 2010


Olivia's duh comment

On way home from church:

Daddy: So, what did you do at church today?

Olivia: puzzles, games, worksheets....

Daddy: on what? (as in on what topic)

Olivia: (after brief pause) ahhh, on paper. DUH!

LOL...I love my boo.